Sunday, January 8, 2012

First Grade Homework Sheet Week of Jan. 9, 2012

First Grade Homework Sheet
Week of Jan. 9, 2012

        I am very happy to say that all of our First Graders completed the additional homework which started last week without any problems.  Let’s keep up the good work and stay on task to finish all of our work at school and at home!
        I went to Lakeshore Learning and was able to buy many items to complement our Learning Centers supplies, more supplementary manipulative products, Phonics Dictionaries for each student, and many other items.  Thank you all again for having such a successful Bake Sale!
        I did want to give you all a “heads up” about the Parent Education Night that Mrs. Forbush (2nd grade) and I are conducting next Thursday, Jan. 19.  Every year each teacher at OLA prepares and presents a Parent Education Night to aid parents in helping their students.  We are doing our annual “Family Reading Night” for all first grade and second grade families.  It is on the school calendar for January and I will remind everyone next week also.  Students and their families come with pillows and blankets to relax on to read their favorite books.  I will be presenting several reading strategies for our grade level, as well as other helpful hints to help your child be a successful reader.  I will demonstrate our Accelerated Reader program and hopefully a first grader will show you how we take the comprehension tests. 
        Our 7th and 8th graders are going to attend the Youth Mass on Friday at the University of Redlands Chapel.  They are asking for donations of canned goods or non-perishable items to bring as community outreach for those less fortunate.  You can send in items all this week.  Thank you for your generosity.
Monday:  Write Spelling Words List #16 five times each;
        Phonics—“A Pile of Presents”
        Math—“On the Case”

Tuesday:  Write Spelling Words List #16 three times each;
        Phonics—“Wrap It Up”
        Math—“Spiral Review 8-3”

Wednesday:  Write Spelling Words List #16 two times each;
        Phonics—“Bag o’Goodies”
        Math—“Juggling Snowballs”


Thursday:  Take a Practice Spelling Test List #16 and write any
        Word you miss five times each;
        Phonics—“Penguin’s Choice”
        Math—“Snowy Fun!”


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